Dearest Ones,
It is with great love that I write you this day. It is 4:00 am and I have been awakened (once again at 3:00 am and it has taken me a while to realize that) with this 'prompting' that I should take down these words in order to share them with each of you. It is with great joy that I do so. As many of you may be aware, these last weeks (months) have been particularly challenging. There seems to be a complete re-examination of our lives - I have moved through this particular phase some time back, but now see that it is making itself manifest in the majority of people I find myself in contact with right now.
This most recent phase of the fires of purification (being the foremost driving force of our transfiguration to a higher - light expression) have been deep and far-reaching. It has summoned our darkest hidden thoughts, fears and unresolved feelings to be dealt with in the 'light of day'. This reckoning of seemingly opposing realities and dimensions of our being have come together, called by our greater 'selves' to find their resolution and ultimate 'healing' and integration in this "now". This is the moment of our true re-birthing. Once having addressed and resolved the intricacies of our unconscious behaviors and mis-creations, as well as the mis-creations of others; we are finally able to experience the deep and abiding peace that is our original divine state. A state of total forgiveness and absolute surrender to this undeniable, indefinable 'Presence'.
This dearest ones is what you have been working through for lifetimes ....the unfolding of this 'Presence' that you may express all that you are 'in light' here, is this conjured and co-created 'journey' of your making. That being said, we must be willing to "bend" to the uncertainty that is a part of this movement and this moment. The majority of you are dealing with thoughts and feelings so overwhelming that it seems that you may never gain perspective or dominion over them again; and in recent days many are finding their way out of this experience as well.
I have had some of you express that you feel as though you are grieving; something that you have no knowledge of and are disconnected, dis-passionate, angry, "done" or lost..... having no 'vision' of your future or what that might 'look like'. Having already witnessed this within my own life, I only hope to be able to bring some light to this phenomena to help steady your heart, mind and spirit; for you are absolutely in the right place beloveds. This is the 'place' of ultimate release, forgiveness and absolute opening to this Infinite and Abiding Love that is, and has alwaysbeen waiting to "be in you"; to "express through you" or "take you over".
We are being led at this time through that limitless Love to the ways and means of this release in order that we may be the living expression of that Love. Our gorgeous Over-lights are showing us the pathways and lifetimes....overlays and dimensional experiences that are 'all' leading to that 'one' place or moment that crystallized in the All of our Being and created the illusion of being separated from that which we truly are. Some have 'called it' "The First Separation". You beloveds have traveled through eons of time and journeys more numerous than you realize to 'come to where you are right now'. You have been just about all that there is to be in this expanse of creation. You have actually 'been' so much, that you (in a way) have forgotten what this was really all about to begin with. It is for this reason that your Over-light has begun to 'light you up'; to enter your fields now...... to help to bring to bear, all of It's light, protection, wisdom and remembrance forth, in you. You, dearest ones, having taken this 'quantum leap' spoken of for so very many this 'new place', this higher vibrational expression of your 'new Self'.....are just waking to the infinite possibilities and accurate truth of who and what you are 'now'. You deserve every accolade for this well-taken journey, albeit fraught with confusion, challenges, pain, bliss and fear. You "beautiful hearts" have already been victorious. Now it is time to open to this new life and new you. Look for and insist that miracles become a part of your "norm"; for they are truly happening now. Everywhere and in all ways and you just may be very taken aback at times in which you see things happen that once you never thought possible.
You are new. Different. You are in a new Soul Path that requires of you to be open and patient with yourself and others ..... probably more than you have ever had to before. For each of you are and have 'changed' in your relationship; one to another because of this 'soul shift'. It is however important that you know that now - complete with your experience with the school of duality in which you were 'called' to immerse yourself in all things 'relationship'; whether it be people or things, you are now 'doing' something quite different. Now you are here to 'Create'. To create in your full Presence from and through this 'place' that now resides within, called "Home".
Before you were here to rediscover yourself through your relationship to all that appeared 'outside' of you, what and who you were in relationship to everything and just what you were doing there. You reinvented yourself life after life and time after time in all ways possible to take the exquisite journey of "The Infinite Self. To find yourself. To find Love.
So now you find yourself here, in this 'new place'. This 'new you' is more than a "little" aware that it is quite different than it was before. Here now with no "program" or (directions or manual) to help you know where or what you are to do. Delivered through the transformational fires of an ever evolving consciousness; more physical challenges than anyone should have to go through and a chaotic and shifting world to boot, you have come to rest, finally, here.
But where is here? I tell you gentle hearts that you could not be in a more perfect place for 'here' is Love! This is the place of "home".... the "home" that you have been searching for and once thought was lost. The "home" that you have felt separated from for eons of time and limitless journeys. I know that you are saying...."Are you crazy? This doesn't yet feel like "home" ..... This doesn't look like "home". Dearest are closer than you know....for you are now expressing in this 'new journey', 'new life' as a "sovereign being". Sovereign Being! What does that mean? It means that all you are, truly..... and all you will ever be, is within you in a most literal way now. You have 'birthed yourself' anew with this magnificent powerful and integrated Soul. It is a greater expression of you than you have ever been able to perceive till now. This Presence has 'come to lite/light' within you. To express through you ..... as you. As the Truth of You now. It is for this reason that you, and all other 'selves' are now declared "Sovereign". All souls have access to "The All" in a very tangible and powerful way.
So, what does this mean for us and how will this change the ways in which we express in this 'new light' and with each other? The ways in which we are invited to "Be" with one another now will be vastly different from before. No longer will we feel a "push" from within to want to change anyone else. We may however still be "reacting" to similar circumstances where we may have responded in such a way. But now there is something else, something deeper 'speaking' from within us, inviting us to simply.....'hold space' for one another and 'listen'. To embrace and be authentically compassionate to each others perspectives or perceptions of anything; as the absolute truth of their life. No longer are we being asked to 'make anyone see' from our point of view, because we have truly never experienced life exactly the same. That was never more true than right now. Holding this Sovereign Space for one another will....eventually help us to understand the True Reality.....
Dearest Ones, you are/have moved now from a consciousness once expressing as "all things opposite" to "all things are connected". From the expression of I Am, to We Are The I AM. This is the consciousness of We The People expressing Unified Love in all ways. There will be a learning curve with this new "shift" in our consciousness (most of you have already realized this). We are now (and really have always been) sovereign and uniquely powerful expressions of the Divine (All) demonstrating It's Limitless, Infinite Presence.
As every beautiful Master who has ever graced the world in which our consciousness is experiencing now has said. Love one another as you would want to be loved. Treat one another as you would want to be treated. Understand that to love your brother is to love yourself; for you truly are doing just that. Forgive one another and in doing so, you too are forgiven. We are in the "new world" of Oneness beloveds. We have arrived! Not in a place, as many had expectations of, but in a space of consciousness. This is the Evolutionary Shift In Consciousness that we have been working toward. Truthfully it is more likened to an 'unfolding or expansion' of our Consciousness. Here we all the threshold of a "new Us" and it appears that We will All be finding out what this means together. What will it be like? What are Our gifts now? Perhaps what they have always been but 'engaged' now? What will "I" be like no matter what We will all make of this? It is important to mention to you that this evolution has brought us to a most Sacred and Critical moment in ALL of time. It is up to Us to choose once and for all: between love (for ourselves, EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING ELSE) or Separation. We can continue to put our energies into Fear, Polarity, Judgment, Hatred and contributing to ALL beliefs that perpetuate those expressions or ...... We can decide to Create from Love...... a unified field of Integration, Compassion, Tolerance, Cooperation, Forgiveness and Acceptance which creates a solid foundation for Expansive and Limitless Love to thrive and create a new experience for Us all. A world that lifts one another up and honors the "sovereign and perfectly divine" in All things.
Beloveds, this journey was never for the "weak of heart" and you have shown yourselves to be of great courage and fortitude. Your amazing gifts and beautiful countenance have shown brightly through many dark and challenging moments as well in those of great joy. Do not for one second think that you have come all this way for nothing. Renew your strength. Rejuvenate yourselves in whatever ways that "feed your souls". Rediscover your 'sweet and loving natures'. Readdress the things that feel unsettled and have patience and compassion for yourselves. You will need this in order to continue on..... to bring forth your new Self to this awaiting new journey; one in which you will "do things" quite differently than before. Be Present.....and "be at peace" sweet souls. You are already victorious.
In Love & Great Light,
Robin (AMI)
AUTOMATIC WRITING This 'medium' is much more coming to the 'fore' as we individually and collectively "bring through" the messages that this world is longing for. For each utterance and each written word.....along with it's vibratory companion, "gifts" this world with it's new frequential en-codings as is intended and distributed for the foundations of this world and the "new light". Prepare yourselves dearest ones, for the 'fullness' of the 'lights' you are integrating within you. For all of you are assimilating the "splinters" and fragments of your Presence that have been expressing (until now) in their 'own created light'. These may appear to you to "feel" or "look" very different. Remember you are a vast multidimensional being, and you are all beginning to awaken to the FULL understanding of ....just what that really means. Exhaustion...confusion...great emotional upheaval...some feeling "taxed" to their very core. You are beginning to see the TRUTH of your beautiful....EXPANSIVE selves. This 'surfacing awareness' in combination with this last "FULL MOON" brought up some of your deepest repressed feelings and perceptions held deep in the shadows of your "being"......Things that ...most of you are "knowing" or "sensing".....but up till now were not able to address. Please understand...beloveds that this is ...ALL SO PERFECT. It would have to be this way. For although there is so much that in your "humanness" you are quite prepared to entertain in the way of "futuristic thoughts" or concepts, it is really quite another thing to realize that you ARE THAT.
This will take some time to make it's way to the "comfort zone" for many...dare We say....most of you? Just know that all is perfect as you are truly amazing in that which you have accomplished so far. For you are the "birth-place" of this 'new light'. This "Light" is the 'truth' of you and your divine right and expression, and this is the time for you to demonstrate to the world your light and the brilliance of your inner esscence. As you as glorious particles of the Creator's Light begin to 'bring this forth' in each of you, in turn this "lifts Us all up". Collectively expressing in this way as integrated consciousness a unified "field" of frequency, light and vibration that "calls" to the light of Source so that It might direct It's energies to this part of It's creational space igniting that remembrance, that knowing, of who We really are and what We are doing here. And so it is that I take this 'journey' today with you. Feeling all that comes with "being human" and making these "shifts" that have become a constant companion in this time. I honor each of you seeing you or the Light that you are and the Love that you express however you may want to interpret that. I hold you each in my heart as we make our collective 'journey' Home......Precious Ones- Respect one another, love one another. Treat each other as you would want to be treated.
In Love & Great Light,
We, your angelic guides are here now. We love you more than you could possibly imagine and respect your journeys as you have chosen to take them. We are here to tell you that things are better although they may not have that appearance to your human sight.
(We) love you and care about that which you are experiencing at this time while in the process of "letting go". That you are being held in the greatest of Love and Grace at this time and that you are perfectly where you need to be, dearest ones.
All that you are experiencing is absolutely perfectly expressing. We will tell you that you are quite far into your process (of ascension or light-body) as it is being explained to me at this time. Although there is still more to come, it will be okay because we don't want to rush these things (believe Us, you really don't). This part of the process is mostly discerned by its accompanying feelings of detachment, depression and dispassion or emptiness. These are the symptoms of the great letting go.
Coming into physical reality or 3rd dimensional experience, most have entered into all relationships/ (or relationship to all) through the personality or ego self; and we are all actively participating in the releasing, healing or letting go of everything that no longer is in alignment with that which serves us in where we are going. Where we are going is….. to a greater level of expansion, freedom and love. That means all limitations and fears, as well as any relationships we may have or be in to anything constructed through that personality self are going to have to be “looked at”. How we are in connection and whether or not we see these connections being supportive, nurturing or aligned with this new and higher vision of our more expansive self.
We are in each and every moment co-creating new blueprints and contracts with all the beautiful souls that have traveled with us from life to life to help us to ‘come forth’ with greater wisdom and compassion. Who and how will we write these new contracts vital to our continued unfolding? Although we will be leaving relationship (sometimes painfully so) with those that have been so woven into the very fabric of our being, this does not necessarily mean that these relationships are gone forever. You must release them for a time but you will be revisited by these things or people, and then determine: If you wish to have a relationship with them NOW. You may or may not. However, if you do choose to continue your 'new life' in relationship to them, you will be in relationship to them in a very much higher expression. Having released all limitations and fears, judgments and competition, co-dependencies and dysfunctions; your relationship will express in a different way. It will no longer be an expression of what humans call 'emotional love, or romantic love, or jealous love, or needy love----you will be free to love, unconditionally, impersonally and compassionately. No longer coming from a place of sympathy or pity, you will truly be able to love them in the Highest Expression of Love which is Compassion.
We are continuing to awaken and expand the fullness of our divine self. As we do this, we are required to empty out every bit of energy or experiences that we have carried in our patterning or programming or experiences that we have carried from all journeys taken in our 3-D world and then some. This is happening in order to make room for that which will fill us up anew as we proceed to move into this higher experience of Earth that we find ourselves in now.
These ‘deep dives’ made (very recently) into our awakening DNA is creating a significant ‘pull’ on and challenges to our physical bodies. We have completed this 3rd dimensional life; it is time to heal, regenerate and receive the 'transfusion of new life and new love' that breathes joy, hope and anticipation of things to come. This is accomplished in this embryonic state that some of you are feeling now.
Gentle Ones, you are being blessed with the miracle of retaining everything that you acquired in your last lives, as well as the love that you experienced there. All knowledge and gifts that were part of that experience will be retained consciously and you will bring this into your life to come and it will become a part of your Greater Self for all time. This is a wonderful gift to all of us. Beloveds, you have good reason for feeling stuck from time to time for it has not been time yet for you to move. All is held in perfect timing and your Higher Soul or Self is overseeing this for you in greater love than you can possibly know.
Be Still and Listen. Your "Presence" MUST unfold in this way. When the time comes when you are ready, you will come bursting forth with renewed Spirit and Desire for Life; fully Present and Then You Will Know What Your Passion Is. This is what you are waiting on; for if you were to step before you knew what you are passionate about, your life would unfold, but perhaps not in the Highest and Best for You.
We are all having to TRUST IN THE PROCESS AND SURRENDER TO OUR GREATER SELVES THAT KNOW WHO WE ARE AND WHERE WE ARE GOING. WE know what courage it takes to 'do' this journey and 'do' it well. If you find yourself reading these words, you are one that is here to do it well. We are truly honored for the opportunity to be of service in any way We can and hope that this has helped to answer or calm some of your concerns about that which you are experiencing at this time.
Please be aware that there is more to come in this process; and that if you will allow yourself to feel what it is that you need to 'feel' and stay as centered in the experiences that come to you as you possible can; you will make it through just fine. Don't let yourself get to swinging too much in the emotion of things; just stay in the middle of it all as much as you can.
We your guides, protectors and yes, even I ….Your Source….Have come at this time to enfold you and this Earth in our Light, so that We might escort you into the Peace and Splendor of this New Dimension of Love.
Be not afraid….Know that you are not alone on this journey. Listen within to the stirrings of your soul and that which it ‘yearns’ to say to you of who you are and where you are going.
With respect and much Love,
Source Light
In this moment, in this place,
I remember who I am.
Letting fear and worry fall away from me.
I open my eyes and see...
There is only Love. There is only Love.
Love that heals.
Love that sets (us) (me) free.
There is only, only Love.
When I lose my soul.
When it seems I've lost my way.
When I go inside and quiet my mind,
I can hear Spirit gently say:
There is Only Love.
"There is One Presence, and One Power
in the universe,
God, the Good , Omnipotent."
As I was awakened this very powerful and portentous morning to information 'streaming through' as it often does - I was directed to come and talk with you a while. To share that which was seen and received that you might find your perfect place within this "Light" as well.
I was shown the vision of a "New Earth"...One that had 'two suns', as I was able to make out....They were concealed, somewhat, by wonderful hazy clouds....But I am quite sure that that is what I was looking at. Perhaps it was what some have described as 'a twin' in the process of dividing or cloning itself. But somewhere deep in my memory - I have a knowing of this "two sun" System.
Then came the 'vision' of "The Light" streaming forth from Source....filtering and pressing itself...permeating everything in its path...bathing it all in Light. Pressing ever downward and here....Every one of your beautiful and magnificent Cosmic Hearts....Consciously joining with one another .... stretching forth....reaching out.....embracing each Heart....becoming One.
I AM hearing "You Beloveds- interface with this Light.....You ARE the New - "Living Grid" of the New Earth.....It is through the interface of each of your Great Cosmic Hearts and your newly "raised" crystalline bodies.....Connecting with the energies and encodings and new programs for a New Universe, that you are 'bringing forth' the ....long awaited Divine Plan. Some of you will know this through concepts and language that may appear to be different.....But it is time dearest ones, to understand that ... these apparent differences are of NO importance.
We "Call" you to a Higher Sight...a Higher Knowing of One Another..a Higher Love. To see yourselves as this wondrous and LIVING new membrane for a great and blessed entity......Earth....Gaia. To KNOW and experience yourself as One Essence..One Breath....One Light; for you truly are. But first: You MUST recognize your Oneness with each other, with this precious planet and The Light itself.
This Light that IS "Coming Forth" this Day..From Christ..The Goddess...Source; whatever you desire to call it (it matters not) is being ushered in by YOU. You will be the Portals of this Light...this Love. Open yourselves to it....Give yourselves
to it....
There is no need to be anxious over this or to struggle with a need to Know.....Just LET it come in and move through you and THERE IS YOUR SERVICE. Align yourselves ..Dear Ones with as much love as you can and ...perhaps with others, if that is an option...and OPEN yourself to the LOVE-LIGHT that is streaming through for this MOMENTOUS ALIGNMENT OF THE 11:11:11.
Tens of thousands of Groups of loving and conscious beings are gathering today, all over this world and many others to connect their hearts...One to another...In the Highest Love possible and are intending and directing that Love, from Source Light-through all dimensional find it anchored Here. In our sweet Earth.
Dearest Ones....this day has long been awaited....All is in ready...and Your are more honored and blessed than you could understand, simply for "choosing" to make this 'journey' (we know-that is still a hard one to accept)".Be good to one another.....Love one another sweet and gentle ones.. Bring that love into Oneness........You are 'birthing' a New Light in you and in the Earth. So, whatever you find yourselves being called to do in way of contribution, connection or participation with the Power of this Moment in time/space....I honor you and I AM holding each of you in my heart and in a vision of Oneness, Peace and Unity.
Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish...Adonai Tsebayoth
In Love & Great Gratitude to each of you. Robin
The Great Cosmic Mother Goddess
I was just recently having a discussion with someone and this question arose while we were pondering the ever illusive experience of Peace...
The person that I was in conversation with .... posed this question: There are many indexes, but what should the “key” to peace be in
our community work?
Tough question. This is what "came through me" in the moment:
I feel that it may be...To 'bring forth' a sense of Unity...A consciousness of a larger "family"in a sense, that is truly focused and intent on those things that would express in the "highest and best" for ALL people within that community and'without' it. In order to BE a true community, I think that people must FEEL that they ARE a community or a family first.
It may be difficult to bring about connection without first addressing the need to accomplish the experience, or feeling that they already are invested in the outcome of each individual that is a "member" of said "family". Once that is established at the "core"....True sense of Oneness...The mind may then envision and hold forth, only the highest vision and intention in all matters that present themselves.Focusing then on a 'common directive' or desire.....
You may not need EVERY person to be expressing with the highest of intention at first.....but it would always be nice if they were. It could be that .... until we are able to remove, heal or deal with those very deep, core beliefs that build the "walls of separation" around and between each of us...we will keep coming back to this question. Are we ready to let go of those beliefs that we have all given so much of ourselves to and move into a "new space"with our fellow beings; or will we continue to 'cling to these antiquated beliefs that continue to divide us from our True "Human Family" and the Peace that awaits in this place of Union...Love?
Dearest Ones....We have arrived in a time that bears knowing to All of Us that, the choices we make in this NOW...are irreversible.....We have been weaving back and forth for some time now and "testing the waters" on all sides to see how it "feels".
It is time for you to know that whatever your choosing in regard to where you see yourself as you go forth into this "new life" or "shift" or "vibration".........You are deciding RIGHT NOW, what you will experience from this moment forward.
This is not meant to sound ominous or threatening....AT ALL. We are only speaking that which is right and true....For every 'Being' is deciding what their next steps in this AMAZING, UNIVERSAL-PLUS SHIFT will be for them and for their Soul. So we suggest that your energies might be put to very good use being even - more mindful, 'present' and focused than ever to respond to EVERYTHING THAT COMES YOUR WAY- IN THE HIGHEST LOVE THAT YOU CAN. We know that these times are VERY CHALLENGING.....For you would not have had it any other way....You, each of you determined to get the greatest amount of growth from this lifetime...that was possible.We honor you, and find ourselves sometimes in awe of you too.....For the courage, awareness and focus this process demands is not for the weak-hearted.
So we encourage you ...Gentle Hearts...To hold as much love for one another that is possible and to forgive and release your grievances. Be also mindful that, all that is expressing around you is an opportunity to accept the challenge of it and take it still to a higher place. Only in this way will you be able to free yourself from these lower expressions that you see manifest in the world around you. For the ONLY PLACE...
PEACE exists is IN YOU....It is only in the Mastery of Holding that Peace In You..
..That you/We have hope of expressing it OUT into our created world....
We continue to have Great Faith in you - precious ones...For, in truth....You ARE
.....You cannot be any less....So We invite you to 'see yourselves' as We see you; a perfect Love. For you ARE.
We wish you Peace....
You may subscribe to our mailing list for interviews and events below. We are honored to have you as a part of our community.
Blessings & Light- Robin L. Modaffare
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There are so very many of us that are using this life to finish so many third-dimensional lessons. The goal is the "mastery of them". So I am being made aware of the intensification of these dimensional experiences; experiences where we may not have completed our learning with them. Whether these experiences where put on the" back burner", "avoided" or whatever: We have all reached the time where we can no longer avoid them; we must complete & find our "balance" with them. My heart is with you in this time, and I will certainly be holding the "space" and the "vision" for your completion with your experiences.
We would like to gently remind you Dearest Ones, that: Everyone in creation is "perfectly on their path", even though it may not appear so to others.
ALL THINGS ARE PERFECTLY UNFOLDING, AT ALL TIMES. There is even perfection to whatever the process you may find yourself in right now and the Creator and your Higher Self understand what that is. Perhaps this will bring you PEACE in some small way. Just Love. See the Perfection in everyone, without the judgment; if you can. I know from my own experience that it's hard to "be there" all the time. However, people will always SEE THEMSELVES AS THEY ARE MIRRORED BY OTHERS. If we can hold the highest vision for those around us; then maybe they may come to be able to hold the highest for themselves. This is especially true when they are struggling with judgments of themselves, with their own self-loathing or low self image. If we mirror to others anything less than the highest for them- or of them; they will accommodate us and reflect that which we project at them. Some will understand this to mean; that we are suggesting "the highest" intent to be thoughts such as:
' I want to see you get help', or 'you know if you loved me you would do this', or 'I want you to do this for you'. We do not mean to say that those are "wrong" thoughts to have; & We are sure that the intentions are well-meaning; however they fall short of ---SEEING THEM AS PERFECT – RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW. It is a constant reminder to them—of just how imperfect they are. It is so much more effective for some reason, when people are steadfastly met with love and 'eyes' that only see perfection ( eyes that can see past what they may be ‘doing’ in this moment) to that- KNOWING OF THEIR ETERNAL AND UNCHANGING DIVINITY. Then these dear ones are- in that moment ‘brought into’ a "space" of potential; a “space” where all things are possible. Instead of continuously being reminded of where they fall short; they are being shown a constant reminder of their perfection—not of that which they have been expressing in direct opposition to THE TRUTH OF THEMSELVES.
For each of us to understand that this is an experience that We NEED to have, so that We may “BECOME” that which we have always been, will result in Us expressing all We are here to BE; hopefully in greater wisdom than before..
The hardest thing about being HUMAN is: to come to the absolute knowledge that the only way to change anything is to first change the way we view it, because in truth there is only ONE POWER: THE POWER OF LOVE. I don't mean the enabling kind of Love; or the romantic love, or the pitying kind either. I speak of the Highest Love. The expression of Love that sees everything expressing "Perfectly", with purpose & beauty, even though it may elude us in the moment. Love is the only thing there is, and the only thing that can heal anything. Anything that expresses as less than Love is Fear.
So Dearest Ones, you are so perceptive in your discerning that there is probably some very deep pain that needs to find a way to release, in order that you and others may realize this Peace. I know it has to be so hard for you to watch such pain. Harder still to know that there isn't a thing anyone can do to help another come to love themselves enough to "heal", until they "realize they are lovable". For some reason ----- Loving ourselves, is one of the most difficult undertakings. We seem so capable of 'holding' that picture or vision for others; so it's amazing that it continues to be so hard for us to 'own' this same 'truth' for ourselves.
Be patient Gentle Ones. Talk to yours and their High-Self often; send them only thoughts of understanding, perfection & compassion. You may be surprised how changing the pictures that we hold & sending them out at these subliminal or unconscious, vibrational levels, we might actually be able to affect the outcome of the situation. That sometimes just changing our picture of something or someone, can have a tremendous effect.
In Gratitude For Your Light;
I have received so many emails and calls concerning climate related events and their meaning. Where are all of these events going and what will they bring for us as we proceed into the next months, approaching the"shift-point" of December 2012. So it is...with great compassion that the 'Host of Light' has 'gifted' with a reply.......
We understand what you are going through.... for many of Us have been those who have 'walked' this earth path before. We pray that the information that We are 'bringing forth' at this time in behalf of your concerns will help to 'lift you up' and comfort you. It is true..that it is quite difficult in human form to live enough life experiences to finally come to understand that.....hard as it might be to imagine.. there really isn't any need - EVER - to use any of our energies in the illusory game of WORRY OR CONCERN. Watching this journey...that is so 'preciously' &
uniquely yours and yours alone.....Speaks in such encouraging ways for all of humanity. You, Gentle Hearts are a JOY to watch & We are blessed to know you.
In regard to the Unfolding Events in so many regions of our precious planet,Gaia;
It is Our knowing and experience that these souls....collectively and consciously 'cross over' ahead of us to; not only assist us from that side for the planetary "shift"...(which "they" are preparing even now to do), but to lend their energies to the "awakening" process as well. This is particularly the case in those that experienced their "transition" in the earthquake of Japan.
Those amazing souls that were vibrating and have been vibrating at a very different level than a lot of us here on this earth....Have already formed a more cohesive "group" or "collective" consciousness. This is something that most of humanity have yet to experience. We are getting there, but we have not arrived yet. There are many reasons for this.....Some have to do with their genetic encoding. I/We know that this does not make it any easier to Cope with the pain and devastation and grief that many are experiencing now .......But We do hope that it will give 'rise' to ...perhaps another way to look at it.
In response to the Earth Changes....We will say that you are on the right track.... There is always 'time' to redirect some of these things; however there will come a time when we are going to run out of that very 3-Dimensional thing that WE call Time. The Earth experienced some very significant affects. One such affect was an increase in Her rotational spin. She is rotating faster than before.....
Good for the movement into Higher Vibrational Dimensions and for being able to support Higher Vibrational Beings? No?
Next: Her mantle is 'loosening up' which allows Her to more freely 'align' Herself to Galactic Center. Vital for the the movement through the gates, when the time arrives. Her realignment will also make it possible for all of those who are being guided to the "safe zones" on the planet in and through their "inner knowing" to reap the beauty of climates that might be more supportive of living and growing food. You will note that many of our animal friends are also starting to ..seemingly show up in the strangest places. Not any longer being found where you might expect them to be ..... due to man made catastrophe's? or Migratory disruptions? Lack of food?
All of these things are simply the slow and deliberate changes that are necessary to get us where we ALL need to be for the moment of the Great Planetary Shift. Please understand ...that when We make note of these things is Not to suggest that you be fearful of the events yet to unfold; for, even now We have seen these potential events, SHIFT from their original design...The 'earth-changes' to come, WILL be ongoing and express at a faster and faster pace as we find ourselves quickly now, aligning for that moment. They have come in increments with sufficient time and space between experiences us time to get our feet under us and acclimate to them as best we can......before the next one "hit". This is a courtesy to US.....So that we might be able to maintain our physical bodies through all of this and NOT DIE.
We invite you to just ..CONTINUE TO BE ... in the moment that you are creating right now and give ALL YOUR FOCUS to that PRESENCE, and you will be taken to your PERFECT NOW. The "pull" of the world and the events that are playing out for the remaining portions of consciousness here, are attempting to express in their respective NOWS. This pull is very strong. It is the tendency of most people to feel compelled to Create - There, finding themselves 'being drawn' into the spiraling game of duality. If that is where you wish to continue to experience and have your journeys, then That Is an acceptable choice. But if you are Not resonating with that which is just a portion of our consciousness ...somewhere on 'dream level dreaming and it is not where you wish to be focused the majority of your waking state....then We say that you are choosing well. For We know that you are "following YOUR Spirit" and where it wants to take you.
Dearest Ones, we are going to experience Earth changes. We could lose much of our coastal land.....However you must understand...That the 'earth-changes' will also "bring forth" something quite new and wonderful. With the tectonic shifts and the volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and shifting speed and frequency of the planet....There will be many vast bodies of land that will 'resurface' as well. Again all of this is information respective to those that are "doing that journey". We invite you, as always, to continue to "hold"the highest of thought and intention. To place all of your energies into seeing the world,as you would have it be....Not how it 'appears' to be; for no matter how difficult the time ahead may be or how powerless you may come to feel; please..Beloveds...Never forget that you are directing where this is going.
You....Collectively and Consciously have, all the Power..guided by Love & Intent, to bring this all Home to a glorious and "New Light".All you need to concern yourself with now, is: What is the journey that you are and desire to create?
In Love & Great Light;
Blessings to Each of You.
Ego says,"Once everything falls into place,
I'll feel peace." Spirit says, "Find your peace,
and then everything will fall into place."
-Marianne Williamson
" A Return To Love"
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most
frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that
other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we
unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Marianne Williamson
"A Return To Love"
Prayer by Marianne Williamson
May all that is good be born in us, all that is holy be restored to us, and all
that is love become one with us. ~ Amen
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